Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans

Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans
© Vents du Futur © Yoan Jeudy Sosuite photographie

A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982, the Royal Saltworks at Arc et Senans is the masterpiece of Claude Nicolas Ledoux (1736-1806), one of the Age of Enlightenment's most visionary architects. The site is also a rare example of early industrial architecture based on a utopian plan. 

Discover a place dedicated to Salt History ( from production to consumption), the Ledoux Museum, with its sixty models, is the only museum in Europe dedicated to an architect.

Our yearly themes gather from May to October : exhibitions, festival of music and  a garden festival designed and created by educational institutions in the eastern part of France and Switzerland.

Visitors can explore the site on their own, or join a guided tour or use an audio-guide.

Visiter le site Internet


Saline Royale d'Arc-et-Senans


Phone: (33) 0381 54 45 45


On your own tour, 
Bookshop - shop Restaurant open July-August (all year round for groups if booked), seminars, symposia ((33) 03 81 54 45 32)


Open every day except 1st January and 25th December
From November to March:

10am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 5pm


9 am to 6 pm

July / August : 
9 am to 7 pm



01/01 au 31/03 et 1/11 au 31/12

01/04 au 31/10

Adults:  13 € 

Adults: 15 €

Children: 6 to 15 years :  9 €

Children: 6 to 15 years : 10 €

Children under 6 years old: free

Children under 6 years old: free

Family pass (2 ad. and 2 children 6 to 15 years old):  : 42 €

Family pass (2 ad. and 2 children 6 to 15 years old): : 42 €

Yearly subscription: contact us for details

Supplement for guided tour in French  €3 / person sup

The importing meetings

newsletter subscription


Association Franche-Comté Evasion
Correspondance à adresser à :
Musée de plein air des Maisons comtoises
Pôle Communication-Accueil
Rue du musée
25 360 NANCRAY
Tél. 03 81 55 29 77

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